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A defector from DPRK made a confession on his facebook timeline.
He has been living in South Korea for longer than a decade.
I have translated the post and replies to English so that foreign friends can read.
Hope this is enlightening.


"What? You can't speak freely in DPRK, and if you do, you will be arrested?
This is what the DPRK-blind people say most often.
I am so upset whenever I hear such nonsense. It is so unfair!
I lived in DPRK for my whole life, and spoke whatever I wanted to, and yet never got arrested.
But here in South Korea, I said what I wanted to say, and got arrested. [He said some good things about DPRK and was imprisoned for 1.5 years for that.]

Know DPRK first, before you curse it.

If you name call the leader, you get arrested?
I had absolutely no reason to name call our leader; I only felt thankful and indebted to his self sacrificial service for us peole and our country.
I wished that our country (DPRK) stay an independent, prestigious country and we don't get subjugated and dominated by other countries, and our leader was exactly achieving what we wanted. I only felt sorry that I was not capable enough to contribute a lot to his effort.
He was running around the country day and night to make us live better and our dream come true; he was so over-worked that he looked 10 years older than his age, and I really felt sorry.
There, in DPRK, almost everybody truly respect the leader for his love of people, selfless dedication, total integrity, and trustworthiness!

Is this what you call brainwash?

People in DPRK clearly knows the history. They clearly know what is right and what is wrong. They clearly know what patriotism is.
Therefore, they clearly know if the leader is doing right or wrong.
Since DPRK was founded (1948), it has never threatened, cheated, beaten, or massacred people at all! Never.

If DPRK had been a scum country like the DPRK-blind eagerly argue, the country wouldn't even have survived, but disintegrated and stopped existing long time ago.

Brainwash and enlightenment are totally different things!

The true leader enlightens people, and protects the sovereignty of the country and the people,
But the puppets of foreign invaders brainwash people and turn them into an ignorant and stupid mob in order to maintain their power and amass filthy wealth. "


(Reply 1) DPRK people are highly enlighted. What about South Koreans?

(Reply 2) SK are the most heavily brainwashed people in the world. They are animals.

(Reply 3) Sad to say.. that they are just hopeless.

(Reply 4) Their ignorance and madness are almost schezophrenic.

(Reply 5) Teaching math, science, history, ethics, reality .. is called education. On the other hand, teaching lies and making people believe in the lies is called brainwashing.

(Reply 6) The difference between DPRK and SK is that the former was founded by people's will; the latter by the will of foreign invaders and puppets, forcibly by mass killing patriots and conscientious people.


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